Monday, March 21, 2011

Speed Your Metabolism Up With Diet And Exercise : Exercise, Part 2 of a 2 Part Series

Most adults know exercise will speed up their metabolism but most adults don't exercise. If you are one of the "don't" exercise people who would like to start an exercise program, but have no idea where to start, may I suggest walking. You can start with a short walk and then build up. Just get your body moving and by doing so it will speed up that metabolism. For those of you who are a little more advanced, cardiovascular training (cardio) and weight training are excellent ways to exercise that will increase your metabolism. After you have been exercising  for a while I would suggest that you begin interval training. When you do cardio at the same pace all the time your body will begin to adapt. When the body adapts to the exercise the metabolism will stabilize. This is often one of the reasons a person stops losing body fat even though they exercise just as much. Interval training will spark the metabolism. Interval training is done by starting slow, interspersed with little bursts of going really fast. An example of interval training on an elliptical would be starting at your normal pace for three minutes, changing to an all out sprint pace for thirty seconds, and then slowing back down to your normal pace. Keep repeating the process for the length of time you have decided to engage in that exercise. Weight training is also an excellent way to speed up your metabolism. It takes more calories for the metabolism to maintain muscle than fat. Building new muscle will cause the metabolism to speed up to maintain it. Most people think your metabolism slows down because you are getting older. It would make sense because most people have a slower metabolism when they get older than they did when they were younger. The truth is most people's metabolism slows down as they get older because their muscle to fat ratio has changed. It is possible for most people to get that metabolism burning like it did in their 20's and 30's by incorporating a good exercise program with sound nutrition. Over time your fat to muscle ratios will improve and your metabolism will speed up.

Randy's Brain

**Please consult a doctor before beginning an exercise program**

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